I. Dünya Savaşı sonrası İtilaf Devletleri ile Osmanlı Devleti arasında imzalanan Sevr Antlaşması kitapçığı.
Sevr Antlaşması
Arşivler'de Sevr Antlaşması için 4 sonuç
Rıza Tevfik hakkında yazılmş referans mektupları ve kendisinin yapmış olduğu bir referansa teşekkür mektubu.
Rıza Tevfik Bölükbaşı (1869-1949), known as “Feylesof” (philosopher) was a poet, literary figure, politician, and philosopher of the Second Constitutional Monarchy period. He studied medicine, served as a member of parliament during the Ottoman period, and lived in exile for many years, as he was among the “Hundred and Fifty” of the Ottoman delegate who signed the Treaty of Sevres.
The collection spans the period between 1856 and 1997 and has been categorized in 32 folders and 925 separate files. Consisting primarily of correspondence with prominent people and institutions in Turkey and around the world, as well as manuscripts, photographs, and newspaper clippings, the collection contains 12,978 pages and 3,998 documents. This represents an important source for the last period of the Ottoman Empire and the early years of the Republic.
Ahmed Rıza Bey’in Sevr Muahedenamesi arifesinde Fransız ve İngiliz zimamdarına yolladığı mektubun müsveddesi.