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Bora Keskiner Collection
İKA BKK · Fonds · 01.10.1937

Dr. Bora Keskiner, who works in the field of Ottoman art history, continues his studies as an expert on Islamic calligraphy. His collection consists of various letters, manuscript notebooks, and manuscript notes that Keskiner obtained from various booksellers. It is important in terms of presenting a portrait of the Mevlevī community in Istanbul in the post-Republican period and showing how the Sufi environment in Ottoman society evolved after the Republic, making it especially appealing to researchers of recent Sufi history.
The documents dated between between 1927 and2000 are categorized in four folders and 124 files. Almost all of the letters in the collection contain letters to Sadık Kurç, a Mevlevī sheikh. Sadık Kurç’s correspondence with Halil Can constitutes the most important series in the collection, while his correspondence with Mehmet Ceylan is also significant. The most prominent articles in the collection are the song notebooks.

Bora Keskiner